
Features and Benefits

  • Power-On Recall of Wiper Position from Nonvolatile Memory
  • 2.7V to 5.25V Single-Supply Operation
  • Configurable Device Address
  • I²C-Compatible Serial Interface
  • Easy-to-Use Menu-Driven Software
  • Include Windows 98-/2000-/XP-Compatible Software and Demo PC Board
  • Evaluate the MAX5477/MAX5478/MAX5479
  • Assembled and Tested

Product Details

The MAX5478 evaluation system (EV system) consists of a MAX5478 evaluation kit (EV kit) and a companion command module interface board (CMODUSB).

The MAX5478 EV kit is an assembled and tested PC board that features the MAX5478 50kΩ linear-taper dual digital potentiometer. The MAX5478 IC features an internal nonvolatile EEPROM used to store the potentiometer's wiper position for initialization during power-up. The EEPROM is programmed through the I²C-compatible serial interface, transmitting at rates up to 400kbps. The MAX5478 address can be programmed by configuring three input pins for a total of eight unique address combinations. The MAX5478 EV kit can also be used to evaluate the MAX5477 (10kΩ) or the MAX5479 (100kΩ) dual digital potentiometers.

The EV kit also includes Windows® 98-/2000-/XP-compatible software that provides a professional user interface for exercising the MAX5478's features. The program is menu-driven and offers a graphical user interface (GUI) complete with control buttons and track bars.

The CMODUSB command module allows a personal computer (PC) to use its USB port to emulate an I²C 2-wire interface. Order the MAX5478EVCMODU for a complete PC-based EV kit. Order the MAX5478EVKIT if a CMODUSB command module or an I²C-compatible 2-wire interface system has already been purchased with a Maxim EV system.


  • Liquid-Crystal Display (LCD) Contrast Control
  • Low-Drift Programmable-Gain Amplifiers
  • Mechanical Potentiometer Replacements
  • Volume Control