Features and Benefits
- USB Connectors for Inputs and Outputs
- USB Powered (Cable Included)
- Eye Diagram Test Circuit with SMA Input/Output
- Jumper-Selectable USB Channel Connection
- Lead(Pb)-Free and RoHS Compliant
- Proven PCB Layout
- Fully Assembled and Tested
Product Details
The MAX4989 evaluation kit (EV kit) provides a proven design to evaluate the MAX4989 Hi-Speed 2-of-4 USB 2.0 crosspoint switch. The EV kit contains two sub circuits, a typical USB crosspoint switch application (top half), and a test circuit (bottom half).
The USB crosspoint switch application circuit is USB powered by the USB host. USB input/output connectors are also provided to easily interface with USB devices. All USB signal traces are 90Ω differential controlled-impedance traces.
A separate test circuit is also provided at the bottom of the MAX4989 EV kit for eye diagram evaluation using SMA connections and 90Ω controlled-impedance traces.
The MAX4989 EV kit PCB comes with two MAX4989ETD+ devices installed. The MAX4989ETD+ is available in a lead(Pb)-free 14-pin, 3mm x 3mm TDFN package.
- Notebook Computers
Applicable Parts
Documentation & Resources
MAX4989EVKIT: Evaluation Kit for the MAX4989 Data Sheet (Rev. 0)6/25/2009PDF469K