
Features and Benefits

  • Contains the ADRF5043 device and application circuitry
  • 2.4 mm RF connectors
  • DC test points for supply and control Through line for calibration

Product Details

The ADRF5043-EVALZ (see Figure 1) is designed to evaluate the features and performance of the ADRF5043 9 kHz to 44 GHz, nonreflective, SP4T switch manufactured in the silicon on insulator (SOI) process. Note that the ADRF5043-EVALZ board is labeled ADRF5042-EVALZ. The same printed circuit board (PCB) is used for both the ADRF5042 and the ADRF5043.For full details on the ADRF5043, see the ADRF5043 data sheet, which must be consulted in conjunction with this user guide when using the ADRF5043-EVALZ.

Applicable Parts

Getting Started

Equipment Needed

  • DC power supplies
  • Network analyzer

Documentation & Resources