Features and Benefits
- Full evaluation kit including evaluation board hardware, evaluation software, and development tools
- Supported by IAR development tools for assembly and C code development
- Isolated USB-to-UART communication
- LabVIEW evaluation software for evaluation of meter performance
- LabVIEW download tools for user firmware download
- Single evaluation board supports ADE7116/ADE7166/ADE7169/ADE7566/ADE7569
- EVAL-ADE7169EBZ-2 comes with ADE7169 IC installed
Product Details
This Evaluation Board is no longer available for ordering. Please see the ADE7953 Evaluation Board.
The ADE7116/ADE7166/ADE7169/ADE7566/ADE7569 integrate the Analog Devices, Inc., energy (ADE) metering IC analog front end and fixed function DSP solution with an enhanced 8052 MCU core, a RTC, an LCD driver, and all the peripherals to make an electronic energy meter in a single part.
The ADE measurement core includes active, reactive, and apparent energy calculations, as well as voltage and current rms measurements. This information is accessible for energy billing by using the built-in energy scalars. Many power line supervisory features such as SAG, peak, and zero crossing are included in the energy measurement DSP to simplify energy meter design.
The microprocessor functionality includes a single-cycle 8052 core, a RTC with a power supply backup pin, an SPI or I2C interface, and one to two UART interfaces. The ready-to-use information from the ADE core reduces the requirement for program memory size, making it easy to integrate complicated design into 16kB or 62 kB of flash memory.
The evaluation kit allows the user to evaluate the energy metering performance and RTC through a Labview software program without requiring the user to develop firmware. The evaluation kit is supported by a kickstart version of the IAR integrated development environment, allowing the user to develop and debug code on the evaluation board. An isolated USB to UART converter allows in-circuit debugging with the IAR interface as well as for downloading code to the IC. This isolated USB to UART converter also provides an isolated UART for developing communication drivers to a PC, for example. If the user has an LCD, this can be connected to the evaluation board to evaluate the LCD driver performance.
Documentation & Resources
UG-061: Evaluation Board User Guide for the ADE71xx/ADE75xx/ADE51xx/ADE55xx Family2/2/2010PDF1516 kB