
Features and Benefits

  • Hosts the MxTNI Runtime Environment in Validated Hardware Design (in Conjunction with the DSTINIm400)
  • 10/100 Base-T Ethernet Port
  • Two Serial Ports
  • Dual 1-Wire Network Ports
  • CAN 2.0B Port
  • 5.0V Single-Supply Operation (DSTINIm400)
  • Fully Assembled and Tested Design

Product Details

The data sheet for the DSTINIs400 and DSTINIs-00x evaluation board is no longer available online. To receive a copy of this data sheet, please contact technical support.

The MxTNI™ sockets boards are motherboards designed to host the corresponding MxTNI evaluation module. The combination of the two boards allows full evaluation of the features of the target microprocessor. To evaluate the DS80C400, you only need to order the DS80C400-KIT. To evaluate the DS80C410 or DS80C411, you must order both the DSTINIm410# and the DSTINIs400# and use them together. The DSTINIm410# is used to evaluate both the DS80C410 and DS80C411.

Although various boards support different evaluation modules, the most popular is the DSTINIs400#. It includes a 144-pin SODIMM connector and provides 1-Wire®, CAN 2.0B, serial, and a 10/100 Ethernet PHY for connecting the DSTINIm400# or DSTINIm410# to the physical world.

The DSTINIm400# and DSTINIm410# are designed as modules to be plugged into the 144-pin SODIMM connector on the DSTINIs400#. All are fully assembled and, when used together in the correct combinations, they form a complete evaluation system for the network microcontroller. The DSTINIm400# and DSTINIm410# modules include the DS80C400 and DS80C410 network microcontrollers, a real-time clock, 1MB flash, 1MB static RAM, and support for an external Ethernet PHY for connecting to a wide variety of networks.

Applicable Parts

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