
Features and Benefits

  • PLCC 28-pin socket for multiple part evaluation
  • Bantam and RJ48 connectors, transformers, and termination passives for LIU
  • Two separate and controllable transmit paths for TTIP and TRING for evaluating multiple transformers
  • Equipment-side connector for external data source/sink or external remote loopback
  • On-board T1 crystal oscillator
  • On-board 8051 microprocessor for software mode access
  • Connector accesses to CS, SCLK, SDI, and SDO for firmware development
  • Controllable 5V and 3.3V for VCC and IO pins to support the DS2149 and DS21349 LIUs

Product Details

The DS2149DK/DS21349DK is a fully integrated design kit for the DS2149 and the DS21349 T1/J1 line interface units (LIUs). It contains the necessary circuitry to evaluate the device in all operation modes, including running the device in hardware and software mode.

Applicable Parts