EE-Sim Solution Finder User Guide
Welcome to the EE-Sim® Solution Finder. This tool will help you quickly identify the best product for your requirements, using a combination of parametric data, solution validation, and size/cost/efficiency estimations.
Note: at this time the Solution Finder only includes single channel, non-isolated switch mode power supply parts which are available in the EE-Sim Design Tool. To consider additional parts, visit Analog’s Power Management web page.
To Begin
Enter your input voltages, output voltage, and output current. These values are entered as numbers only (no letters), and must be positive.
Performance Priority and BOM Priority
Every circuit design involves tradeoffs. Use the Performance Priority setting to compare solutions that are designed for highest efficiency, minimum size, or a balance of both. Use the BOM Priority setting to compare solutions that are designed to either: meet the specified performance while minimizing cost, or provide the best performance at higher cost.
Function and Integration Level
The Function and Integration Level filters are optional. Select one or more to limit the solutions shown to those that match your selected criteria. Note that if two selections are made, the selections are “OR’d” and solutions matching either criteria are shown.
The Features filters are optional. Select one or more to limit the solutions shown to those that match your selected criteria. Note that if two or more selections are made, the selections are “AND’d” and only solutions matching all selected criteria are shown.
After the “Apply” button is clicked, a table of results is displayed showing Maxim parts that will provide a working solution. Basic parametric data about each part is shown in the table. The table also shows estimated solution efficiency, relative size, and relative cost. These values are determined using a complete circuit schematic and BOM designed with comparable user inputs.
Since absolute cost is dependent on quantity and other factors, a relative ranking is shown where “1.25” means the solution is 25% more costly than the best (least costly) solution. Since size is dependent on layout, a relative ranking is shown based on the total area of all the components on the solution BOM. A size ranking of “1.25” means the solution is 25% larger than the best (smallest) solution.
Most columns in the results table can be sorted ascending to descending or descending to ascending using the arrows under the column headers. The results table can also be searched for a partial or complete Maxim part number using the search box in the upper left corner of the table.
After identifying the best part to use, click the part number. The EE-Sim Design and Simulation tool will open. (Note you must be logged in to the Maxim website. If you are not already logged in, a log in/register prompt will be shown.) Once in EE-Sim, enter your input voltage, output voltage, output current, and other design requirements on the Design Requirements tab and create your customized design.
Useful Icons
In the upper right corner of the Solution Finder you’ll see several icons that enable the following features:
Help – access to this document
Excel – export your results to an Excel file for further analysis
Print – send a copy of your results to your printer
Mail – send yourself or someone else an email containing a link to your results