15 New CMOS Switches and Muxes in Convenient Variety

ADG Series is Spec'd for 44-V max Supply, Wide Temperature Range, Single-Supply; Superior 2nd Sources Include ADG-201HS: 50-ns tON

Fifteen additions to Analog Devices' line of CMOS switches and multiplexers (muxes) give designers a choice of components optimized for the application. The ADG201A/202A (utility), ADG201HS (high-speed), ADG211A/212A (lowest cost), and ADG221/222 (latched) quad switches—and the multiplexers in the ADG506A/507A & 526A/527A (16/dual-8-channel), and the ADG508/509A & 528A/529 (8/dual-4-channel) families—are specified for dual- and single supplies and for applications with higher supply voltages and wider temperature ranges than many of the industry-standard namesakes that they replace. Read full article