20-Bit 1Msps 0.5ppm INL SAR ADC


The LTC2378-20 is a versatile general purpose ADC which provides state-of-the-art performance at any sampling rate up to 1MHz. In this video, we will show that it is ADC non-linearity, as opposed to noise, that ultimately limits the measurement accuracy that can be achieved with an ADC. The combination of speed, versatility and amazing linearity enables many exciting application opportunities. For example, a single 20-bit SAR ADC can replace two specialized ADCs in applications that require both high accuracy and bandwidth.

20-Bit 1Msps 0.5ppm INL SAR ADC

The LTC2378-20 is a versatile general purpose ADC which provides state-of-the-art performance at any sampling rate up to 1MHz. In this video, we will show that it is ADC non-linearity, as opposed to noise, that ultimately limits the measurement accuracy that can be achieved with an ADC. The combination of speed, versatility and amazing linearity enables many exciting application opportunities. For example, a single 20-bit SAR ADC can replace two specialized ADCs in applications that require both high accuracy and bandwidth.