- Quad digitally adjustable analog loops with digital interface for control and monitoring.
- Optimized for low output voltage ranges.
- 15mm × 22mm × 5.71mm BGA package.
The EVAL-LTM4683-A1Z evaluation board features the LTM4683: the wide input and output voltage range, high efficiency and power density, quad output PolyPhase® DCto-DC step-down µModule® (micromodule) regulator with digital power system management (PSM). The EVAL-LTM4683-A1Z evaluation board is configured as a 4-phase four outputs. A similar evaluation board with a 4-phase single output is also available (EVAL-LTM4683-A2Z).
The EVAL-LTM4683-A1Z evaluation board’s default input voltage range is 4.5V to 14V. However, if VIN is lower than 6V and within 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 5.75V, a minor modification to certain existing on-board components is required.
The factory default output voltage VOUT [0:3] is 0.4V at 31.25A maximum load current per channel. Each channel can deliver up to 31.25A maximum load current but forced airflow and heatsink might also be used to further optimize the output power when all output rails are on and fully loaded. The evaluation board output voltages can be adjusted from 0.3V up to 0.7V. Refer to the LTM4683 data sheet for thermal derating curves and recommended switching frequency when adjusting the output voltage. The factory default switching frequency is preset at 350kHz (typical). The EVAL-LTM4683-A1Z evaluation board comes with a PMBus interface and digital PSM functions. An on-board 12-pin connector is available for the users to connect the dongle DC1613A to the evaluation board, which provides an easy way to communicate and program the part using the LTpowerPlay® software development tool.
EVAL-LTM4683-A1Z/A2Z Schematic2024/6/11PDF808 K
EVAL-LTM4683-A1Z User Guide (Rev. 0)2024/5/29PDF3 M
EVAL-LTM4683-A1Z/A2Z Design Files2024/6/11ZIP8 M