Why Do You Say That the Clock of a System is a Reference?

A. This comment does not necessarily apply to the conversion clock of an ADC; it applies principally to the sampling clock of a sampled-data system. In these systems, the signal is required to be sampled repeatedly at predictable (usually equal) intervals of storage, communication, computational analysis, or other types of processing. Read full article



James Bryant

James Bryant自1982年起担任ADI公司的欧洲应用经理,直至2009年退休为止。至今仍从事撰写和咨询工作。他拥有英国利兹大学的物理学和哲学学位,同时还是注册工程师(C.Eng.)、欧洲注册工程师(EurEng.)、电机工程师协会会员(MIET)以及对外广播新闻处(FBIS)会员。除了热情钻研工程学外,他还是一名无线电爱好者,他的呼叫代号是G4CLF。