ADI 工业及仪器仪表高可靠性技术长沙研讨会


Date: 2018.1.18
Place: 长沙美爵酒店(原Crown Plaza) 欧洲厅
Time Topic
AM 9:00-9:05 Opening
AM9:05-9:30 High performance and robust SWMUX products and solutions
AM9:30-10:15 High performance amplifier products and solutions (45min)
AM10:15-10:25 Tea break
AM10:25-11:10 High performance SDADC and SARADC products and solutions (45min)
AM11:10-11:40 High performance precision DAC products and solutions (30min)
AM11:40-12:10 Die strategy
AM12:10-PM13:30 Lunch
PM13:30-14:00 High-temperature solution (30 min)
PM14:00-14:45 ADI IoT solution (45 min)
PM14:45-15:30 ADI Gas/Water Detection (45 min)
PM15:40-16:25 ADI Power solution( focus on LTC power module)(45 min)
PM16:25-17:30 ADI ISO application in IND(30min)
PM17:30 Q&A /Ending