Custom Modules
ADI 在硅 (Si) 和砷化镓 (GaAs) 半导体技术领域享有盛誉,而且在大功率氮化镓 (GaN) 设计领域也取得了令人瞩目的成就。我们的模块及 LRU 设计师能够与客户的设计团队通力协作,联手打造“超越一切可能”的解决方案。如果与 Analog Devices 合作,您将在以下方面受益匪浅:
- 集成解决方案领域数十年的较领先技术
- 业内丰富的元件产品组合
- 可实现高度优化解决方案的自定义 MMIC
- 通过毫米波实现数字化模块领域的丰富经验

Our ability to integrate at any level makes ADI uniquely qualified to help you attain optimal performance, SWaP and reliability. With complete control of the process from the bare die to the manufacturing of key components, we can ensure superior obsolescence management and product lifecycle support.
Our module testing personnel are trained and equipped to accurately characterize digital and microwave modules for all parameters and for bands up to 110GHz. We also maintain a complete environmental testing facility for acceleration, shock, vibration, gross and fine leak testing, temperature cycling, burn-in, and other factors.
ADI’s state-of-the-art ISO9001 and AS9100 manufacturing facilities meet the demands for highly integrated, cost-effective chip and wire and surface mount assemblies. Our manufacturing and screening standards conform to MIL-PRF-38534/5 and MIL-STD-883.
We maintain Class 100,000 clean rooms for assembly and testing, as well as several Class 100 work areas devoted to testing and inspection of S-level products.
ADI 的自定义模块运营方式将自己在集成解决方案领域数十年积累的较领先技术与业内丰富的元件产品组合融为一体。我们独树一帜,专注于建立高度优化的标准或自定义模块解决方案,涵盖通过毫米波实现数字化的各种应用。
凭借我们在元件方面的深厚专业知识和技术,我们可以为您量身定制高度可靠的模块解决方案,满足您极具挑战性的设计要求。ADI 能够实现片内、封装内以及线性可更换单元 (Line-Replaceable Unit, LRU) 级别的集成,是您追求卓越效能、SWaP 和可靠性能的不二之选