Updating an AD9914 eval board to be compatible with the 64-bit USB drivers ============================================================================= Updated April 18, 2017. The following steps re-flash AD9914 EEPROM for the USB controller to make it compatible with 64-bit USB drivers. This utility is also useful if the USB Status LED (CR2) fails to blink when the evaluation board is connected to the computer. 1. Download and install the “USBEvBdProgrammerSetup.zip” file from ftp://ftp.analog.com/pub/CSS/Software/Support/EvalBoard/Programmers/USBEvBdProgrammerSetup.zip 2. Before applying power, pull the W2 jumper. On other eval boards, it may be labeled “EEPROM ENABLE.” 3. Apply power to the board. (This puts the Cypress chip in its default mode.) 4. Replace the jumper. This re-establishes the connection between the EEPROM and Cypress chip. 5. Connect the USB cable. The LED next to the USB connector will not blink. 6. Run the software. 7. At the top of the window, the user should see "Cyusb-1" under "Select USB Device to Program." 7a. If "No Boards Found" is displayed, the user should locate a file called "DriverGuide.mht" located in the following directory for instructions on how to associate an unknown evaluation board with ADI's software: C:\Program Files (x86)\Analog Devices\USB Eval Board Programmer 8. Select "AD9914 Eval Board (32/64-bit)" for "Select Evaluation board to Identify". 9. Click "Program EEPROM". The software should indicate successful programming. 10. Disconnect the USB cable and power cycle the board. 11. Connect the USB cable. The USB status LED (CR2) should blink after Windows completes the loading of the USB drivers. If Windows prompts you the location of the USB drivers, select "install from the default location."