Using the Peripheral Management Unit – Part 4: A PMU Program


In this video, learn how to use the demo project to blink the LEDs using the PMU and the real-time clock (RTC). The principles gained in this video will help you build your own PMU program for your next project. In the next video, “Using the Peripheral Management Unit–Part 5,” you’ll see how the main() program sets up and uses the PMU on the MAX32630 Evaluation Kit.

Using the Peripheral Management Unit – Part 4: A PMU Program


In this video, learn how to use the demo project to blink the LEDs using the PMU and the real-time clock (RTC). The principles gained in this video will help you build your own PMU program for your next project. In the next video, “Using the Peripheral Management Unit–Part 5,” you’ll see how the main() program sets up and uses the PMU on the MAX32630 Evaluation Kit.