- Two fully assembled and tested evaluation boards per kit
- Full set of IC voltage options in each kit
- 3 samples of each IC voltage option packed in separate antistatic bags
- Kit allows the user to quickly evaluate all IC voltage options
- Only need to order one kit per product family
This product has individual evaluations boards at specific voltages or with specific features as well as the RedyKit™. The RedyKit simplifies product evaluation by providing two assembled and tested evaluation boards, plus a full set of product (voltage) options for an IC regulator. All the IC options come sorted and stored in the kit with the Analog Devices part number clearly printed on each antistatic zip-top bag.
Simple device measurements such as line and load regulation, dropout, and ground current can be demonstrated with just a single voltage supply, a voltmeter, a current meter, and load resistors.
UG-060: Evaluation Board for the ADP2503/ADP2504, 600 mA/1000 mA, 2.5 MHz Buck-Boost DC-to-DC Converters (Rev. A)2009/11/20PDF1 M
UG-028: RedyKit™ for the ADP2503 Buck-Boost Converter2009/07/20PDF191 kB