Demonstration circuit 877 is a high efficiency synchronous Buck-Boost converter using the LTC3531-3.3. The input range is from 1.8V to 5.5V making it ideal for single-cell Lithium-Ion, multicell alkaline or nickel battery applications. This converter can provide 200mA when the input voltage is above 2.9V.
The DC877 features the LTC3531-3.3 in a tiny 6-pin ThinSOT package. The converter operates in Burst Mode, which provides conversion efficiency over a wide range of load currents. It has minimum component count and tiny solution size. Other features include current limiting, thermal shutdown and output disconnect.
DC877A - Schematic2009/09/24PDF15K
DC877A - Demo Manual2009/09/24PDF192K
DC877A - Design File2009/09/24ZIP458K