DS2141A, DS2143, DS2151 and DS2153 Interfacing to the SGS-Thomson M3488
This application note describes how the DS2141A, DS2143, DS2151, and DS2153 interface to the SGS-Thomson M3488. Also shown are waveforms and timing diagrams of the different pins that are used for interfacing with M3488.
- The DS2141A and DS2151 are set up with both the receive and transmit elastic stores enabled; the DS2143 and DS2153 only need the receive side elastic store enabled.
- The RSYNC pin is programmed to be an input; the TSYNC pin is programmed to be an output on the DS2141, DS2151 and an input on the DS2143, DS2153.
- The SYSCLK is set for 2.048 MHz operation.
- The elastic stores provide controlled slip operation.
- In "looped-timed" applications, close switch 1 and open switch 2.
- In applications that cannot handle controlled slops, close switches 1 and 4 and open switches 2 and 3.
- In DS2151 and DS2153 applications, the line interface function is included onboard the device.
- Timing between the devices is shown below: