Documentation Errata for ADSP-SC58x/ADSP-2158x SHARC+ Processor Hardware Reference (Rev 1.0)

Chapter: 7 / Page 17

Doc ID: DOC-1745


Step 6 in the System Interrupt Flow procedure is incorrect.


The SEC compares the SEC_CPND[n](B) register value to the SEC_CACT[n](A) register value. If the SEC_CACT[n] (A) register value is a higher priority, continue.

Change to:

The SEC compares the SEC_CPND[n](B) register value to the SEC_CACT[n](A) register value. If the SEC_CPND[n](B) register value is a higher priority, continue.

Chapter: 19 / Page 79

Doc ID: DOC-1761


For the PWM_CHANCFG Configuration registers, the timer options are:

  • PWMAH \ AL – Timer 0 & Timer 1
  • PWMBH \ BL – Timer 0 & Timer 2
  • PWMCH \ CL – Timer 0 & Timer 3
  • PWMDH \ DL – Timer 0 & Timer 4

In Table 18-7:

For PWM_CHANCFG.REFTMRD, the bit description should be:

The PWM_CHANCFG.REFTMRD bit selects whether the PWM uses PWMTMR0 or PWMTMR4 as the reference timer for Channel D operation.

The enumerations description should be:

0 = PWMTMR0 is Channel D reference

1 = PWMTMR4 is Channel D reference

For PWM_CHANCFG.REFTMRC, the bit description should be:

The PWM_CHANCFG.REFTMRC bit selects whether the PWM uses PWMTMR0 or PWMTMR3 as the reference timer for Channel C operation.

The enumerations description should be:

0 = PWMTMR0 is Channel C reference

1 = PWMTMR3 is Channel C reference

For PWM_CHANCFG.REFTMRB, the bit description should be:

The PWM_CHANCFG.REFTMRB bit selects whether the PWM uses PWMTMR0 or PWMTMR2 as the reference timer for Channel B operation.

The enumerations description should be:

0 = PWMTMR0 is Channel B reference

1 = PWMTMR2 is Channel B reference

Last Update Date: 2018年05月07日