
Features and Benefits

  • Full featured evaluation boards for the AD4050 and AD4052 with a USB power solution
  • Single differential channel and common-mode input available through SMA connectors
  • Out of the box evaluation experience with the SDP-K1
  • PC software (ACE plugin) for control and data analysis of the time and frequency domains
  • Compatible with other Arduino form factor controller boards

Product Details

The EVAL-AD4050-ARDZ and EVAL-AD4052-ARDZ evaluation boards enable quick and easy evaluation of the performance and features of the AD4050 or the AD4052, respectively. The AD4050 and AD4052 are compact, low power, 12-bit or 16-bit (respectively) Easy Drive successive approximation register (SAR) analog-to-digital converters (ADCs).

The primary controller board for the EVAL-AD4050-ARDZ/EVALAD4052- ARDZ is the SDP-K1. The EVAL-AD4050-ARDZ/EVALAD4052- ARDZ conform to the Arduino® Uno Shield mechanical and electrical standards to interface with the SDP-K1, in addition to various software development kits from other manufacturers.

The AD4050/AD4052 evaluation solutions include the AD4050/ AD4052 industrial input and output (IIO) firmware application drivers for device configuration and ADC data capture and the AD4050/ AD4052 ACE plugin graphical user interface (GUI) for performance evaluation.

Applicable Parts

Getting Started

  • PC with Windows 7 or later operating system
  • SDP-K1 controller board and accompanying USB cable
  • Precision signal generator (see the Evaluation Board Hardware section)