Analog Devices’ University Program in India
Anveshan 2012 Winners
First Prize
Project: Low cost, portable health monitor with spirometer and pulse oximeter
Team Members: Kotha Praneetha, Deepak Krishnan, Harini Muthukrishnan
Summary: Blood saturation, breath, and pulse are three vital signs of a person´s health. Blood saturation and pulse rate can be measured using a pulse oximeter and the amount of air inhaled or exhaled using a spirometer. A spirometer is used to conduct a set of medical test that are designed to identify and quantify defects and abnormalities of various lung conditions in human respiratory system. With the help of spirometer, diseases like Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD) can be detected well in advance. It is also very essential for the monitoring of a patient treated for asthma. Although hospitals in the developed world often use spirometers to diagnose patients with respiratory disease, issues of cost maintenance, and inadequate healthcare infrastructure have prevented developing world clinics and hospitals from utilizing spirometry. According to the World Health Organization, 75% of developing countries lacked access to spirometry equipment as of 2011. Pulse Oximetry has the advantage of being non-invasive and of having no morbidity, negligible running costs, and a comparatively low capital cost. But, pulse oximeter can cause a false sense of security by giving a good saturation figure when someone´s breathing is completely inadequate, especially if someone is being given oxygen. Hence, every doctor needs to have a spirometer along with an oximeter to effectively determine a person´s health.
Second Prize
Project: Brain Controlled Bionic Ear
Team Members: Akshay Kumar BU, Gowri Shankar A, Samhitha M R
Summary: In this proposal, a Brain Controlled Bionic Ear (BCBE) is proposed to actuate the desired audio frequency signal which reaches the auditory nerve and develops the appropriate action potential. We propose that the feedback system from the Brain Computer Interface (BCI) to the brain will ensure that the person receives only desired signals. The idea is novel: the hearing impaired person not only receives normal speech signals, but also the range of audio frequency signals which are automatically selected based on the activity of the brain, i.e. whether it is in the active/alert state or in relaxation or sleep state. The cochlear implant, also called "Bionic Ear," has revolutionized many hearing impaired patients but the Brain Controlled Bionic Ear will ensure that the patients are not disturbed by unwanted audio signals and hence helps in revolutionizing the treatment protocol for the hearing impaired by restoring the ability for near normal hearing and thus serves mankind.
Third Prize
Project: Blind eye
Team Members: S.Anurag, V Rajiv Reddy, Harish Balakrishnan
Summary: This idea is conjured after conceiving the difficulties of the blind. The robot can be of great service to the blind to help them move smoothly. For example, this robot can help the person to move through the house with ease, crossing over obstacles in the way, crossing roads, etc.
Anveshan 2010 Fellowship Winning Teams
Mr. Howard Cheng Vice President Asia Sales, Analog Devices Inc.( extreme left) Mr. Anvesha Amaravathi ( 2nd from left), Mr. Deepesh Kamani ( extreme right)
Mr. Yash Chitalia (was not present during the award ceremony) , Ms. Rashida Bohra ( 2nd from left), Mr. Pratik Virkud (extreme right)
Mr. Aditya Joshi ( 2nd from left), Mr. Adarsh Giri ( extreme right)